To find out how your chassis is doing on your Brocade ICX type the show chassis command.
The stack unit 1 chassis info:
Power supply 1 (NA - AC - Regular) present, status ok
Power supply 2 (NA - AC - Regular) present, status ok
Fan ok, speed (auto): [[1]]<->2
Fan speed switching temperature thresholds:
1 -> 2 @ 69 deg-C
1 <- 2 @ 64 deg-C
Sensor B Temperature Readings:
Current temperature : 29.5 deg-C
Sensor A Temperature Readings:
Current temperature : 38.0 deg-C
Warning level.......: 66.0 deg-C
Shutdown level......: 76.0 deg-C
Boot Prom MAC : cc4e.24xx.xxxx
Management MAC: cc4e.24xx.xxxx
If you only care about the power supply status type:
sh chassis | incl Power
Power supply 1 (NA - AC - Regular) present, status ok
Power supply 2 (NA - AC - Regular) present, status ok
Power supply 1 (NA - AC - Regular) present, status ok
Power supply 2 (NA - AC - Regular) present, status ok
Power supply 1 (NA - AC - Regular) present, status ok
Power supply 2 (NA - AC - Regular) present, status ok
This is the output for my switches which are 3 ICX 6450s stacked. 6450s only have a single built-in power supply, so "Power supply 2" in each case is the EPS. In my setup I have one EPS powering two switches and another one powering the last switch. There's no way to know what "Power supply 2" is with a command, as far as I know.